

Cabrera may refer to:

* Cabrera, Balearic Islands
* Cabrera, a town in the northeast of the Dominican Republic

* Al Cabrera (1881–1964), Spanish baseball player
* Alex Cabrera (born 1971), Venezuelan baseball player
* Ángel Cabrera (1879–1960), Spanish zoologist
* Ángel Cabrera (born 1969), Argentinian professional golfer
* Asdrubal Cabrera (born 1985), Venezuelan baseball player for the Cleveland Indians
* Bernardo de Cabrera (1289—1364), Aragonese military man and diplomat
* Blas Cabrera (born 1946), American physicist
* Candice "Black" Cabrera, Reality show contestant and model
* Cesar Cabrera, Ambassador to Mauritius and Seychelles
* Conrado Cabrera (born 1967), Cuban track cyclist
* Daniel Cabrera (born 1981), Dominican baseball pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles
* Delfo Cabrera (1919–1981), Argentinian athlete, 1948 Olympic medalist
* Ezequiel Cabrera, Venezuelan architect
* Fernando Cabrera (born 1981), Puerto Rican baseball pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles
* Francisco Cabrera, Dominican former Major League Baseball player
* Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Cuban author
* Jolbert Cabrera (born 1972), Colombian baseball player for the St. Louis Cardinals
* José Cabrera, Dominican baseball player
* José Antonio Cabrera, Argentine statesman
* José Ramón Balaguer Cabrera, Cuban politician
* Lydia Cabrera (1899–1991), Cuban anthropologist and poet
* Manuel Estrada Cabrera (1857–1923), President of Guatemala 1898–1920
* Martin Cabrera, Jr., Head of Cabrera Capital Markets
* Melky Cabrera (born 1984), Dominican baseball player for the New York Yankees
* Miguel Cabrera (1695–1768), Mexican painter
* Miguel Cabrera (born 1983), Venezuelan baseball player for the Detroit Tigers
* Nicolás Cabrera (1913–1989), Spanish physicist
* Orlando Cabrera (born 1974), Colombian baseball player for the Chicago White Sox
* Pedro Cabrera (1938–2002), Cuban actor
* Pedro García Cabrera (1905–1981), Spanish writer
* Ramón Cabrera (1806–1877), Spanish Carlist military officer
* Ryan Cabrera (born 1982), Colombian-American musician
* Santiago Cabrera, Chilean actor

* José Cabrera, a nuclear power station in Almonacid de Zorita, near Madrid, Spain

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