

An antiflatulent agent is a drug used for the alleviation or prevention of excessive intestinal gas, i.e. flatulence.

Mechanisms of Action

For the "alleviation" of flatulence, an antifoaming agent such as simethicone may be taken orally. This agent will coalesce the smaller gas bubbles into larger bubbles, thereby easing the release of gas within the gastrointestinal tract via burping or flatulence.

For the "prevention" of flatulence, an enzyme-based dietary supplement may be helpful. Substances indigestible by humans are usually present in foods associated with flatulence. When these substances reach the large intestine intact, they may be fermented by intestinal bacteria, thereby causing gas production. These enzyme-based dietary supplements work by breaking down these indigestible substances and preventing these substances from reaching the large intestine intact. These supplements are usually taken with foods associated with flatulence. It is important to take the appropriate enzyme with the appropriate food. When consuming beans and other vegetables high in complex carbohydrates, it may be helpful to take a product that contains alpha-galactosidase, such as Beano. Additionally, for individuals with lactose intolerance, taking a lactase-containing product with lactose-containing foodstuffs may reduce flatulence.


Antifoaming Agents


Enzyme-based Dietary Supplements

*Lactase (brand Lactaid)

Herbal Antiflatulents

*Epazote is claimed to have antiflatulent properties, and is used in traditional Mexican cuisine for this reason.

External links

* [ USP Drug Information on Simethicone]
* [ Beano website]
* [ Lactaid website]

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