

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
image_photo = Kloster Waghäusel von Süden.jpg
image_caption = Monastery
Wappen = Wappen_Waghaeusel.svg
lat_deg = 49 |lat_min = 15 |lat_sec = 0
lon_deg = 8 |lon_min = 31 |lon_sec = 01
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Baden-Württemberg
Regierungsbezirk = Karlsruhe
Landkreis = Karlsruhe
Höhe = 104
Fläche = 42.84
Einwohner = 20185
Stand = 2005-12-31
PLZ = 68743–68753
PLZ-alt = 6833
Vorwahl = 07254
Kfz = KA
Gemeindeschlüssel = 08 2 15 106
Adresse = Gymnasiumstraße 1
68753 Waghäusel
Website = [http://www.waghaeusel.de/ www.waghaeusel.de]
Bürgermeister = Walter Heiler
Partei = SPD

Waghäusel (IPA2|vaghɔusɛl) is a German town located in the Rhine valley in the south-western state of Baden-Württemberg. Waghäusel consists of 3 townships which are the core city (1236 residents), Kirrlach (9347 residents) and Wiesental (9596 residents) [as of March 31, 2006] .

Among the 3 townships, Wiesental occupies the largest land area of 21.2 km² followed by Kirrlach with 19.4 km² and the core city with 0.22 km².


* Pilgrimage church of Mary with monastery
* Baroque castle "Eremitage"
* Daytaller House in Kirrlach
* Gothic wood carved altar in the Catholic church of Kirrlach
* Old-German wine tavern in Kirrlach (liquor licence since July 15, 1700)

Twin towns

Waghäusel is twinned with the following towns:
* Caldicot, Wales
* Flattach, Austria
* Szigetujfalu, Hungary

External links

* [http://www.waghaeusel.de Official Waghäusel web site]
* [http://www.kloster-waghaeusel.de Pilgrimage church of Mary with monastery]

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