Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique
- Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique
Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique, or EMIT, is a common method for screening urine and blood for drugs, whether legal or illicit. It is part of the homogeneous immunoassay.
The technique is relatively nonspecific compared to some other analysis methods, such as mass spectrometry, but has the advantage of being fast and inexpensive. It has, however, been shown in some cases to be somewhat inaccurate in its findings. The patent for EMIT technology was owned by the Syva Corporation, Palo Alto, CA, but was sold in March 2005 to ORAK Corp, San Francisco.
ee also
*Drug tests
*Blood tests
External links
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enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique — see EMIT … Medical dictionary
enzyme immunoassay — n an immunoassay (as an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) in which an enzyme bound to an antigen or antibody functions as a label abbr. EIA * * * (EIA) any of several immunoassay methods that use an enzyme covalently linked to an antigen or… … Medical dictionary
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