Bantu Holomisa

Bantu Holomisa

Bantubonke Harrington Holomisacite web
title=General Bantubonke Harrington "Bantu" Holomisa (profile)
work=Who's who of Southern Africa
] (born 1955-07-25cite web
title=Holomisa, H. Bantubonke (Bantu) - co-founder and president of United Democratic Movement
work=Contemporary Africa database
publisher=The Africa Centre
] in Mqanduli, Eastern Cape) is a South African Member of Parliament and president of the United Democratic Movement.

Holomisa joined the Transkei Defence Force in 1976 and had become a Brigadier by 1985cite web
title=Holomisa, H. Bantubonke (Bantu)
work=Contemporary Africa database
publisher=The Africa Centre
] . He overthrew Prime Minister Stella Sigcaucite news
title=Stella Sigcau dead at 69
] in 1987 and was the Transkei's head of state from 1987 to 1994.

In 1994 Holomisa was elected to the African National Congress National Executive Committee, and was the Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism of South Africacite web
title=Résumé of Mr HB Holomisa, MP
] . After testifying at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission he was expelled from the ANC on 1996-09-30cite web
title=The rise and fall of Bantu Holomisa
publisher=African National Congress, Department of Information and Publicity
] .

He co-founded the UDM in 1997 with Roelf Meyer,cite book
coauthors=Dumisa Buhle Ntsebeza
title=Unfinished business: South Africa, apartheid and truth
pages=p. 30
chapter=The nerve centre of apartheid
] and was elected to parliament in 1999.


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