
An early Christian painting of Noah in the gesture of Orant
For the village in Azerbaijan, see Orand.

Orant is a type of gesture during prayer in which the hands are raised, set apart, and the palms face outward. It was once common in early Christianity, and can frequently be seen in early Christian art. For example, orant gestures are depicted in Roman catacombs as vault frescos that date to the 4th century C.E.

In modern times, it is most common in Pentecostal and charismatic churches. The gesture is also seen in Orthodox and Catholic worship, esoteric sects, and in certain forms of exorcism ritual. It is commonly used in small group renewal weekend settings such as Cursillo. It is common in some charismatic churches during praiseful singing as well.

In more radical thought, the orant gesture is seen as a way of surrendering to the powers that be and submitting to the intrinsic patterns of the universe. As a component of cosmic religion, orant is almost a form of meditation, and a symbol of conscious change. In looking up with arms spread open, an orant practitioner would theoretically feel the chaos of the universe, and yet remain in perfect solace.

See also

  • Orans, a similar posture

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  • orant — orant, ante [ ɔrɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] n. • 1874; du lat. orare 1 ♦ Dans l art chrétien primitif, Personnage représenté en prière. Les orantes des catacombes. Adj. Vierge orante. 2 ♦ Arts Statue funéraire qui représente un personnage en prière, à genoux et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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