Kalâm-e Saranjâm

Kalâm-e Saranjâm

The Kalâm-e Saranjâm (Persian: کلام سرانجام or Serencam "The Discourse of Conclusion") is the central religious text of the Ahl-e Haqq, written in the 15th century based on the teachings of Sultan Sahak. The Ahl-e Haqq believe the Kalam-e Saranjam to be the book of divine guidance and direction for mankind[1]Template:Paga? and consider the text in its original Gurani language to be the literal word of God.[2]


  1. ^ Hamzeh'ee, M. Reza. The Yaresan, ISBN 3-922968-83-X (1990)
  2. ^ Hamzeh'ee, M. Reza. The Yaresan, page 21, ISBN 3-922968-83-X (1990)

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