Pax Americana Recording Company, also known as just PAX AM, is a record label founded by Ryan Adams in 2004. Adams initially started the label in order to release demo recordings of material that his former record label, Lost Highway Records, would not release. Then after his contract with Lost Highway was fulfilled in 2008, Adams began releasing his music exclusively through PAX AM. On or around November 5, 2010, Adams launched a new webpage for PAX AM, with announcements of upcoming double Cardinals album III/IV and offerings of previous records for sale as well as merchandise.

Physical Releases:
001 California [EP] 2 x 7" yellow vinyl (2004)
002 The Rescue Blues [EP] 2 x 7" clear vinyl (2004)
003 "Now That You're Gone"/"If I Am A Stranger" [Single] 7" clear vinyl (2004)
004 "Thank You"/"Evergreen" [Single] 7" Black vinyl (came with Hello Sunshine pre-orders) (2009)
005 "Oblivion"/"People Need Sunlight" [Single] 7" pink vinyl (2009)
006 Orion [LP] 12" clear vinyl (2010)
007 "Valhalla"/"Crossing Foggy Mountains" [Single] 7" black vinyl (2010)
008 III/IV [LP] 12" red and blue vinyl (2010)
009 Class Mythology [EP]2 x 7" orange and yellow vinyl (Record Store Day exclusive release) (2011)
010 "Empty Room"/"Nutshell" [Single] 7" black vinyl (2011)

Digital Releases:
001 "Lost and Found"/"Go Ahead and Rain" [digi-single] (2009)
002 "Allumette"/"What Color is Rain" [digi-single] (2009)
003 "Tomorrowland"/"Disco Queen [digi-single](2009)

External links

PAX AM Records Webpage

Ryan Adams Official Webpage

Articles on PAXAM Releases at It's Time To Play B-Sides

Article on Rescue Blues 7" and PaxAm at This Mornin' I Am Born Again

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