


This is a disambiguation page. For other uses, see Pascal (given name) or Pascal (surname)

Pascal or PASCAL may refer to:


  • Pascal (given name), a French given name
  • Pascal (surname), a French and Italian surname
  • Adam Pascal (born 1970), American actor and singer, best known for his role of Roger Davis in the Broadway musical Rent
  • Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), French mathematician and philosopher
  • Cleo Paskal, environmental scientist
  • Pascal (musician), stage name of drum and bass musician Pascal Redpath.
  • Pascal Etcheber, the author of "Vagabond Earth"

Things named after Blaise Pascal

Fictional characters

  • Pascal, the main character in the film The Red Balloon
  • Pascal, a character in the television series Beauty and the Beast (TV series), portrayed by Armin Shimerman
  • Pascal, a character in the novel Felidae (novel) and in the movie Felidae (film), voiced by Klaus Maria Brandauer
  • Pascal (Nintendo), a character from the Nintendo video game series Animal Crossing
  • Pascal Curious, a character from The Sims 2
  • Pascal, a character from Tales of Graces
  • Mattia Pascal, the main character in The Late Mattia Pascal, novel by Luigi Pirandello
  • Pascal, The main character of 40 acres and maybe a mule
  • Pascal: the name of a pet chameleon to the main heroine Rapunzel in Disney's Tangled (2010)

Other uses

  • PASCAL (database), a scientific bibliographic database maintained by INIST
  • Pascal blanc, a French white wine grape
  • Pascal, an alias of Flip & Fill, dance music producers Graham Turner and Mark Hall
  • Pascal Photocoagulator, a pattern scan laser used in ophthalmology
  • J. Pascal's Furniture and Hardware, a Montreal hardware and furniture store trading under the name “Pascal”
  • Pascal College, school in Zaandam, the Netherlands, for pre-university secondary education
  • Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning (PASCAL), a Network of Excellence funded by the European Union, which supports collaboration between experts in Machine Learning, Statistics and Optimization
  • Pascal (programming language) Programming language intended to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring

See also

  • Paschal (disambiguation)
  • Pasqual (disambiguation)
  • Pascual (disambiguation)
  • Pasquale (disambiguation)
  • PAS/CAL, a pop band from Detroit, Michigan
  • Royal Malaysian Navy PASKAL, special forces unit

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  • PASCAL — Paradigmen: imperativ, strukturiert Erscheinungsjahr: 1972 Entwickler: Niklaus Wirth Dialekte: UCSD Pascal …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PASCAL (B.) — On a «tant imaginé et si passionnément considéré» Pascal, dit Valéry, qu’on en a fait un «personnage de tragédie», une «sorte de héros de la dépréciation totale et amère», de «Hamlet français et janséniste». Les travaux des historiens modernes… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Pascal/mt — Pascal/MT+ was an ISO 7185 compatible Pascal compiler written in 1980 by Michael Lehman, founder of MT MicroSYSTEMS of Solana Beach, California. The company was acquired by Digital Research in 1981 which subsequently distributed versions that ran …   Wikipedia

  • Pascal — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Pascal puede referirse a una de las siguientes acepciones: Blaise Pascal: matemático, físico, filósofo y teólogo francés. Física Principio de Pascal: Principio de la Hidráulica enunciado por Blaise Pascal… …   Wikipedia Español

  • PASCAL — PASCẠL 〈EDV〉 höhere Programmiersprache für strukturierte Programmierung, Weiterentwicklung von ALGOL * * * Pạs|cal [nach dem frz. Physiker u. Religionsphilosophen B. Pascal (1623–1662)], das; s, ; Einheitenzeichen: Pa: im SI die abgeleitẹte… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • pascal — pascal, ale (pa skal, ska l ) adj. 1°   Qui concerne la pâque des Juifs. Les Juifs mangeaient l agneau pascal, debout, les reins ceints, et un bâton à la main. 2°   Qui concerne la fête de Pâques des chrétiens. •   Souvent ils en viennent jusqu à …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • pascal — s. m. 1.  [Física, Metrologia] Unidade de medida de pressão do Sistema Internacional (símbolo: Pa) equivalente à tensão ou à pressão uniforme que, atuando sobre uma superfície plana de 1 metro quadrado, exerce perpendicularmente a essa superfície …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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  • PASCAL-P — Pascal P=A variant of Pascal used by the UCSD p system environment. Extended string and array operations, random access files, separate compilation, etc. Available from Pecan.See P code machine …   Wikipedia

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