P. Levine

P. Levine

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  • Levine — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Adam Levine (* 1979), US amerikanischer Musiker Anna Levine (* 1957), US amerikanische Schauspielerin Arnold J. Levine (* 1939), US amerikanischer Biologe und Krebsforscher Carin Levine (* um 1955), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • LEVINE, JACK — (1915– ), U.S. painter and printmaker. Born on Boston s South End, Levine was the youngest of Lithuanian immigrants Mary and Samuel Levine s eight children. A poor shoemaker and Hebrew scholar, the elder Levine enrolled his son in children s art… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEVINE, NORMAN — (1923– ), Canadian writer. Levine was born in Ottawa. His parents, Annie (Gurevich) and Moses Mordecai Levine, were Polish Jewish immigrants. Levine was educated at York Street Public School and the High School of Commerce. During World War II,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEVINE (D.) — LEVINE DAVID (1926 ) L’art de l’Américain David Levine est marqué, dans sa technique comme dans son esprit, par le XIXe siècle. La caricature telle qu’il la pratique est directement issue de la manière d’André Gill, de Traviès et de Léandre. Ses… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • LEVINE, BARUCH — (1930– ), U.S. Bible scholar. Born in 1930, in Cleveland, Ohio, Levine was educated in the public schools, but spent his afternoons at the Telshe Yeshivah, which provided him with a strong talmudic background. He learned spoken Hebrew with the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEVINÉ, EUGENE — (Nissen Berg; 1883–1919), revolutionary, socialist politician, and journalist. Leviné was born in St. Petersburg into a wealthy family. From 1896 he lived in Heidelberg, Germany where he graduated from high school and also attended university. In …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEVINE, JAMES — (1943– ), U.S. conductor and pianist. Levine was born in Cincinnati and made his debut as a pianist at the age of ten with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. He took piano lessons with Walter Levin and rudolf serkin . In 1961 he entered the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEVINE, JOSEPH E. — LEVINE, JOSEPH E. (1905–1987), U.S. motion picture producer. Born in Boston, Levine was a theater owner and movie distributor (1943) before becoming a producer. He started in the business by importing foreign films and distributing   them in the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEVINE, PHILIP — (1900–1987), U.S. immunohematologist. Born in Russia, Levine was taken to the United States when he was eight years old. From 1925 to 1932 he worked at the Rockefeller Institute and in 1935 was appointed bacteriologist and serologist at Newark s… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEVINE, RAPHAEL — (1938– ), Israeli scientist. Levine was born in Alexandria, Egypt, but was taken to Ereẓ Israel byhis parents in 1939. After getting his master s degree at the Hebrew University in 1960, he studied at Nottingham University, where he received his… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEVINE, LES — (1936– ), Canadian sculptor. Levine was born in Dublin, immigrated to Canada in 1958, and later moved to New York. Levine was interested in making sculpture accessible to the general public. He therefore became an innovator of the concept of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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