P. K. Abdul Aziz

P. K. Abdul Aziz

P. K. Abdul Azis (born 18 January 1947) is a scientist in Ecology and Biodiversity and an academic from India. He is currently the Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University since June 11, 2007.[1] He was former Vice Chancellor of the Cochin University of Science and Technology and a Professor at Kerala University and Kerala Agricultural University. He also led the Department of Ecology and Marine Biology at the Saline Water Conversion Corporation Research and Development Centre, Saudi Arabia as Chairman during 1993-2002.[2]

He holds a D.Sc in Ecology(2002) and a Ph.D(1978) from the Department of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, University of Kerala and has published 77 research papers.[3]

He is an Ex-Officio Member of the Maulana Azad Education Foundation.[4]


Indictment by Government Agencies

Prof Aziz has been indicted by several Govt agencies of malafide practices and financial regularities. In 2008, Finance inspection wing, Govt of Kerala found him guilty for large scale administrative and financial irregularities while he was VC of Coachin University of Science and Technology and noted on record that ‘The irregular actions of the V.C and Syndicate have resulted huge financial burden to the State Exchequer’ and ‘Strict disciplinary action should be initiated against the VC, Dr. P.K. Abdul Aziz for his lapses’. [5]

Later in year 2009, Principal Account General (PAG) (Civil Audit) UP, Indicted him again, but this time as VC of prestigious AMU. PAG said in its report that ‘There is a complete collapse of financial management in the university (AMU) and the VC and the registrar instead of stopping this frequent financial irregularity themselves became a part of this’. [6]

CBI Probe

Owing to his systematic indictments for institutionalized corruption and sensing a wide scale corruption racket brewing up under his Vice Chancellorship AMU Teacher’s Association went on the longest ‘hunger strike’ in university’s history demanding immediate removal of Prof Aziz as VC. [7] All this cumulated into a CBI enquiry against him for corruption. With this Prof Aziz earned the dubious distinction of being only Central University VC in India’s history to be probed by CBI.[8]

Controversy Surrounding Academic Records and Plagiarism

Other than Corruption and administrative malpractices Prof Aziz has also been accused of plagiarism [9] of his DSC degree [10] and hiding his ‘poor academic’ record from selection committee of both Coachin University of Science and Technology and AMU. [11]


In his defense Prof Aziz has always maintained that he is innocent and has been framed continuously for his hard work and dedication.[12]


  1. ^ Profile of PK Abdul Azis, Centre Of Advanced Study, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University
  2. ^ VC Profile - Aligarh Muslim University
  3. ^ - Abdul Azis VC of Aligarh Muslim varsity - The Hindu May 19, 2007
  4. ^ Maulana Azad Education Foundation - List of General/Governing Body Members
  5. ^ "Kerala Government, Finance Inspection Wing Report, 2008". http://www.slideshare.net/PRESIDENT_AMUTA/vc-indictment-letter-no-11244b208h-8061619. 
  6. ^ "Principal Account General (PAG) (Civil Audit) UP, 2009". http://www.slideshare.net/PRESIDENT_AMUTA/cag-report. 
  7. ^ "AMU takes satyagrah route, demand for ouster of V-C". Times of India. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-05-18/lucknow/29555396_1_amu-vice-chancellor-amuta-hunger-strike. Retrieved 26 August 2011. 
  8. ^ "CBI probe ordered against AMU VC". The Hindu. http://www.thehindu.com/news/states/other-states/article2295772.ece. Retrieved 26 August 2011. 
  9. ^ "Wise Words, But Another's". Outlook. http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?234642. Retrieved 26 August 2011. 
  10. ^ "Plagiarism in Dsc degree of Prof. Aziz complaint to Governor of Kerala". http://www.slideshare.net/PRESIDENT_AMUTA/complaint-of-plagiarism-in-dsc-degree-of-prof-aziz. 
  11. ^ "CBI to probe AMU V-C". Indian Express. http://www.indianexpress.com/news/cbi-to-probe-amu-vc/787079/. 
  12. ^ "Vilification campaign going on against me: AMU VC". Zee News. http://zeenews.india.com/news/nation/vilification-campaign-going-on-against-me-amu-vc_674680.html. Retrieved 26 August 2011. 

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