Wilkes/Gleditsch trial

Wilkes/Gleditsch trial

The Wilkes/Gleditsch trial (Norwegian: Wilkes/Gleditsch-saken[1]) in 1982 in Norway, involved two "researchers' (of Peace and conflict studies) publication of a research report on electronic listening stations, based on information from open sources. Putting the information together into a complete picture was judged to reveal a secret according to the "puslespill doctrine», cf the website of Norway's Cabinet in 2011.[2]

Electronic listening posts[3] in North-Norway, and their significance was the secret that was revealed.[4] (The Wilkes/Gleditsch case has been mistaken/confused[5][6] with the "Loran C affair", that concerned the publication of the existence of a radiowave-transmitter used for navigation.[7])

Owen Wilkes and Nils Petter Gleditsch were convicted of breaching a Norwegian criminal code, pertaining to national security — paragraphs 90 and 91 of Straffeloven. They received a suspended prison sentence, in addition to being fined and charged with court costs.


The trial has various other names in Norwegian, including "Gleditsch-saken", "Gleditsch/Wilkes-saken", and "kaninsaken" (the rabbit trial).

External links


  1. ^ http://www.regjeringen.no/mobil/nb/dep/jd/dok/nouer/1999/nou-1999-27/7/3.html?id=355155 : (From Website of Norway's Cabinet) "Det er anerkjent at hensynet til ytringsfriheten kan gjøre overtredelse av § 90 rettmessig, jf. Høyesteretts drøftelse av dette i listesaken, Sjue-saken og Wilkes/Gleditsch-saken." — From NOU 1999: 27, " Den ytre sikkerhet".
  2. ^ From website belonging to Department of Justice and Police : Straffelovkommisjonens delutredning VIII (NOU 2003:18 Rikets sikkerhet)
  3. ^ Straffelovkommisjonens delutredning VIII (NOU 2003:18 Rikets sikkerhet)
  4. ^ page 183 by Inger Marie Sunde http://www.jus.uio.no/ifp/om/organisasjon/seri/forskningsomrader/publikasjoner/yulex/Yulex_2007.pdf
  5. ^ side 183 av Inger Marie Sunde i år 2007 http://www.jus.uio.no/ifp/om/organisasjon/seri/forskningsomrader/publikasjoner/yulex/Yulex_2007.pdf
  6. ^ Bokanmeldelse i 2009 av Aage Borchgrevink http://www.aftenposten.no/kul_und/litteratur/article3175421.ece
  7. ^ http://www.aftenposten.no/kul_und/litteratur/article3175421.ece

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  • Nils Petter Gleditsch — (born 17 July 1942 in Sutton, Surrey, Great Britain) is a Norwegian sociologist and political scientist. He is Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). In 2009, Nils Petter Gleditsch was awarded the annual Award for… …   Wikipedia

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