Orgware (development cooperation)

Orgware (development cooperation)

In development cooperation jargon, "orgware", "software" and "hardware" refer to the different aspects of technology transfer. With hardware is meant the technology itself, with software the skills, knowledge and capacity that accompany the transfer of the technology, and orgware refers to the capacity building of the different institutional actors involved in the adaptation process of a new technology.

ORGware refers "ORGganization SoftWARE" a platform or technology used to build the organization knowledge warehouse. ORGware Technologies an ICT company based in Chennai, India is under developing this technology, planning to release the beta version by mid of 2012.

See also

  • Hardware
  • Software (development cooperation)

Further reading

  • Hoekman, B. (2002) Strengthening the Global Trade Architecture for Development, The World Bank and CEPR, available at
  • Dobrov, D.M. (1979) The strategy for organized technology in the light of hard-, soft-, and org-ware interaction, Long Range Planning, Volume 12, Issue 4, p. 79-90

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