- DBZ (meteorology)
dBZ stands for
decibels of Z. It is a meteorological measure of equivalentreflectivity (Z) of aradar signal reflected off a remote object. [ [http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jetstream/append/glossary_d.htm NWS JetStream - Weather Glossary: D's ] ] The reference level for Z is 1 mm6 m-3, which is equal to 1μm 3. It is related to the number of drops per unit volume and the sixth power of drop diameter.Reflectivity of a
cloud is dependent on the number and type of hydrometeors, which includes rain, snow, and hail, and the hydrometeors' size. A large number of small hydrometeors will reflect the same as one large hydrometeor. The signal returned to theradar will be equivalent in both situations, so a group of small hydrometeors is virtually indistinguishable from one large hydrometeor on the resulting radar image.A
meteorologist can determine the difference between one large hydrometeor and a group of small hydrometeors as well as the type of hydrometeor through knowledge of local weather condition contexts.One dBZ-scale of rain:> 40 heavy, 24-39 moderate and 8-23 light
name = Meteorological equipment
titlestyle = background:#09F;color:white;
title=Meteorological instrumentation and equipment (Earth based)
bodystyle = background:#CFF
list1=Anemometer !Barograph !Barometer ! nowrap|Ceiling balloon ! nowrap|Ceiling projector !Ceilometer ! nowrap|Dark adaptor goggles !Disdrometer ! nowrap|Field mill !Hygrometer ! nowrap|Ice Accretion Indicator !LIDAR ! nowrap|Lightning detector !Nephelometer !Nephoscope !Pyranometer !Radiosonde ! nowrap|Rain gauge ! nowrap|Snow gauge !SODAR !Solarimeter ! nowrap|Sounding rocket ! nowrap|Stevenson screen ! nowrap|Sunshine recorders !Thermograph !Thermometer ! nowrap|Weather balloon ! nowrap|Weather radar ! nowrap|Weather vane !Windsock ! nowrap|Wind profiler
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