Operating Weight — Die Artikel Treibstoffberechnung, Dry Operating Weight, Operating Weight, Take Off Weight und Landing Weight überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
operating weight — A term used by aircraft operators that includes the empty weight of the aircraft and personnel and items always carried in the aircraft, such as flight crews and their baggage, water, oil, food, bar items, passenger consumable stores, and empty… … Aviation dictionary
Dry Operating Weight — Die Artikel Treibstoffberechnung, Dry Operating Weight, Operating Weight, Take Off Weight und Landing Weight überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dry operating weight — Die Artikel Treibstoffberechnung, Dry Operating Weight, Operating Weight, Take Off Weight und Landing Weight überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
aircraft basic operating weight — The weight of a transport aircraft, including crew, ready for flight but without its payload and fuel … Aviation dictionary
basic operating weight — The empty weight of a typically equipped aircraft plus unusable fuel and trapped liquids plus two pilots (400 lb) … Aviation dictionary
Operating empty weight — (OEW) is the basic weight of an aircraft including the crew, all fluids necessary for operation such as engine oil, engine coolant, water, unusable fuel and all operator items and equipment required for flight but excluding usable fuel and the… … Wikipedia
Operating empty weight — Masse à vide en ordre d exploitation La masse à vide en ordre d exploitation (en anglais : Operating empty weight ou OEW) d un avion ou hélicoptère est sa masse incluant l appareil et l équipage mais pas sa charge utile (passagers et fret),… … Wikipédia en Français
operating CG (center of gravity) range — The distance between the forward and the rearward center of gravity limits at a specified weight as specified in the aircraft specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheets. An aircraft must be loaded and operated within this range … Aviation dictionary
Landing Weight — Die Artikel Treibstoffberechnung, Dry Operating Weight, Operating Weight, Take Off Weight und Landing Weight überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der… … Deutsch Wikipedia