Omar Alberto Rupp

Omar Alberto Rupp

Omar Alberto Rupp was the only Argentine killed by the sinking of Narwal, former Argentine fishing ship during Falklands War.

Omar Rupp was born in Bahía Blanca, Argentina and he was of Volga German descent. The large trawler Narwal was just a fishing ship, but in Mar del Plata, mariners were asked to sail to the Falklands area to collect intelligence for the Argentina Navy. Before that, the captain told Rupp he was allowed to go to Bahía Blanca to meet for the first time his newborn son, but he said he'd go when they were back.

Narwal was bombed and sunk on 9 May 1982 by the Sea Harriers of the Fleet Air Arm, and Rupp was the only one killed.

With his legs almost severed by the impact of an unexploded bomb, lying in the floor, and tears in his eyes, his last words to the captain while dying became famous: Capi, no voy a poder ver a mi hijo ("Chief, I will never know my son").

Omar Alberto Rupp is now the name of some town squares, schools and monuments in Argentina. His son is now 28.


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