

Olvir may refer to:

  • Olvir Hnufa - a 9th and 10th century Norwegian hersir and skald.
  • Olvir Rosta - a character from the Orkneyinga saga.

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  • Olvir Rosta — Ölvir Rósta Residence Caithness; Sutherland; possibly the Hebrides, or the Isle of Mann Other names Ölvir Rósta; Ölvir Þorljótsson Known for Appearing in the Orkneyinga saga Parents …   Wikipedia

  • Olvir Hnufa — o Ölvir hnúfa (nórdico antiguo: Ǫlvir hnúfa) fue un vikingo, hersir y escaldo de Noruega de finales del siglo IX y principios del siglo X; es conocido por la mención en la saga de Egil, Skáldatal y la Edda prosaica. Olvir era hijo de Berle Kari y …   Wikipedia Español

  • Olvir Hnufa — 17th century manuscript of Egil s Saga, with an image depicting Olvir s nephew Egil Skallagrimsson. Olvir Hnufa or Ölvir hnúfa was a Norwegian hersir and skald of the late ninth and early tenth centuries, known from, among other sources, Egil s… …   Wikipedia

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  • Atli the Slender — was a ninth century Norwegian jarl mentioned in several Old Norse sources, including Heimskringla and Egil s Saga .Atli was the son of Hundolf, a jarl of Gaular in Fjordane. His sister was Solvor Hundolfsdottir, the wife of King Harald Goldbeard… …   Wikipedia

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