Old Saxon Baptismal Vow

Old Saxon Baptismal Vow
The single manuscript.

The Old Saxon Baptismal Vow is a 9th century Old Saxon baptismal vow found in Vatican Codex pal. 577. The vow mentions three Old Saxon gods; Uuôden ("Woden"), Thunear, and Saxnōt, which the reader is to forsake. One of many baptismal vows, the vow originates from a monastery library in Mainz, Germany, and is now archived in the Vatican[1] as part of Codex Palatinus Latinus 577, a collection which also contains the Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum, a contemporary list of superstitious and pagan practices.

The vow reads:

End ec forsacho allum dioboles uuercum and uuordum, Thunaer ende Uuôden ende Saxnôte ende allum thêm unholdum thê hira genôtas sint.

This translates as:

"I renounce all the deeds and words of the devil, Thunear, Wōden and Saxnōt, and all those fiends that are their companions."

Scholar Rudolf Simek comments that the vow is of particular interest because it is the sole instance of the god Saxnōt mentioned in a religious context.[1]


  1. ^ a b Simek (2007:276).


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