Oda nova a Barcelona

Oda nova a Barcelona
Statue of Joan Maragall, by Eusebi Arnau, at the Parc de la Ciutadella in Barcelona.

Oda nova a Barcelona (Catalan: New ode to Barcelona) is a poem by Joan Maragall, written in 1909, two years before his death. It contains the topic of fascination with Barcelona, appearing as a temptress, as well as Catalan nationalist elements, and the linguistic situation reflecting on ongoing violence in the city, similarly to Paternal, which was set against the backdrop of the 1893 anarchist bombing of the Liceu. It poses the problem of war and urban violence, and the possibility of allegiance and regeneration.[1]

See also


  1. ^ http://www.lletra.net/noms/jmaragall/index.html

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