- Obrajillo
Obrajillo is a village located in Canta only two hours from Lima Peru, Obrajillo has beautiful landscapes and a big river that is located around the village, also visitors can find a farm of truchas that tourist or visitors can buy for pounds, people sale Truchas for lunch, this dish it is not expensive, they said that it is no necessary to travel to Junin for eating Truchas Obrajillo. Visitors also can find another dishes such as Tallarin con Perdiz, Cuyes, Patasca o Sopa de Mote, moreover visitors can buy cheese, butter, honey and meal. Ohters benefits are the communication that it is good because Obrajillo has Internet and public telephones, markets and discos Obrajillo. Another flashy place is the waterfall near the electrical center, surrounded for many beautiful mountains where visitors can explore and ride around this beautiful place Obrajillo. Tourist has specials places for staying where people are kind and loyal, there are personal especially prepared for attending tourist Obrajillo
http://www.infohotelperu.com/hotelesCiudad.asp?CD=LIM&Cid=27&hoteles-canta http://www.viajeros.com/diarios/peru/obrajillo-y-canta-te-encantaran http://www.peruturismo.com/CateInfo.asp?CateInfoI=655 http://www.perutoptours.com/index14caobrajillo.html
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