Old Casino de Ferrol

Old Casino de Ferrol

El Casino de Ferrol is a historical edifice in Ferrol, Spain, created as a social catalyst to satisfy the social needs of the 19th century incipient local bourgeoisie and upper classes.

The city and naval station of El Ferrol was going to be the cradle of the Spanish Socialist Workers Movement as well as the Spanish Feminist Movement.

Since the 1980s, El Casino de Ferrol took over in a joined venture another historical institution in the same city: El Cub de Tenis de Ferrol. Together, they formed El Casino Ferrolano Tenis Club and all points up at the beginning of the 21st century to a harmonious long lasting future together.

These days, El Casino de Ferrol like any other institution in modern Spain has its membership open to any one to join in. Becoming a member is a key to any of the major casinos of Spain like Casino De Madrid [1] for example.

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