

O'Stravaganza - Vivaldi in Ireland is an album by Hughes de Courson.

De Courson's work is a kind of World fusion music. There are only a handful of such arrangers who combine folk music and classical music in a similar vein. Other examples are Mark O'Connor ("The Fiddle Concerto" 1995), Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin ("Between Worlds", 1995) and Shaun Davey ("The Pilgrim" 1984).

His aim was to create a fusion of Irish music and Baroque music. It is mostly instrumental but there is one song "Lulaby for Diarmid" based on Gaelic poems from the Ossianic cycle, sung in Irish. The tune is adapted from Vivaldi's "Nisi Dominus cum dederit". The tracks with uillann pipes are the only ones in which the Irish element dominates over the baroque elements.

Track listing

  1. O'Stravaganza
  2. Damhsaigh
  3. Berceuse de Grainne pour Diarmait
  4. Estro-Reel
  5. Il Sonno
  6. Ceol cuaine
  7. Il Duello
  8. A Clairseach
  9. Jig Della Inquietude
  10. Erlin sonata
  11. Bunch of rushes
  12. Am cain
  13. Mister Bethag and the Princess
  14. La Ciaconna Rossa


  • "Le Orfanelle della Poeta" (Baroque ensemble)
  • Nollaig Casey - fiddle
  • Emer Maycock - Irish flutes, Uilleann pipes
  • Ronan Le Bars - Uilleann pipes
  • Youenn Le Berre - Low whistles
  • Donal Siggins - bouzouki, mandolin
  • Myrdhin - Celtic harp
  • Isabelle Oliver - Celtic harp
  • Breda Maycock - singing
  • Suzan Hamilton - singer

External references

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • O'Stravaganza - Vivaldi in Ireland — is an album by Hughes de Courson. De Courson s work is a kind of World fusion music. There are only a handful of such arrangers who combine folk music and classical music in a similar vein. Other examples are Mark O Connor ( The Fiddle Concerto… …   Wikipedia

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