- Ntoro
The Ntoro is the genetic aspect of the father which the Akan people believe is passed on to this children. The Akan believe that the Ntoro does not die with the father instead it goes down to the man’s children or if the children are not alive to his nephews and nieces. The fathers Ntoro represents the being of the child until the child comes of age at this point the Ntoro along the Sunsum and Kra explains how one interacts in the world. The Ntoro is thus explained by Akans to be the fathers characterizes which can be inherited. Thus, it is the cooperation of the fathers Ntoro with the mothers blood(Mogya) Abusua which is believed to form the child and mold into the Human being.
The 12 Akan Ntoro include:
1) Bosompra(The Tough/Strong/firm)
2) Bosomtwe(The Human/Kind/empathetic)
3) Bosompo/ Bosomnkóteaa(Proud/Audacious)4) Bosomafram(The Liberal/Kind/empathetic)
5)Bosommuru(Respectable/ distinguished)
6)Bosomkonsi(The Virtuoso)
7)Bosomdweróbe (The Eccentric/Jittery)
8)Bosomayensu(The Truculent)
9)Bosomsika(The Fastidious)
10)Bosomkrete(The Chivalrous)
11)Bosomakím(The Fanatic)
12)Bosomafi(The Chaste)
Asante Molefi; African Intellectual Heritage 1996
Gyekye Kwame; An essay on African philosophical thought: the Akan conceptual scheme 1995
Categories:- Ghanaian culture
- Ivorian culture
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