Vino Novello

Vino Novello
Two vino novellos, one from Veneto and one from Tuscany.

Vino Novello, Italian for 'young wine', is a light, fruity, red wine produced throughout Italy. Novello is similar to its French cousin Beaujolais Nouveau in taste, body and color, but is produced using multiple grape varieties with a more liberal fermentation process. Novello is officially released for sale November 6.



Vino Novello is lightweight with low alcohol content (usually not more than 11%) and light aroma.

Novello's literal Italian translation means 'young wine,' but it is also "the wine to be drunk young." What Novello does not have is tannins.

In some places in Italy, tradition says the last day to consume Novello is “I Giorni della Merla”, the days of the blackbird, said to be the coldest day of the year (29th-31st January).


Ciliegiolo is one of the varieties used to produce Vino novello wines.

Vino Novello is made from a different process than normal red wines. Although many experts criticize the process, Novello is simply the result of a different procedure of processing the grapes: carbonic maceration. Carbonic maceration is a technique of wine making by accelerating the fermentation process, developed in France in the '30s.

The grapes are placed in large barrels or vats. They are then closed off and the oxygen is eliminated by pumping in CO2. The natural yeast migrate from the skin of the grapes into the pulp looking for water and oxygen and the fermentation takes place.

The fermentation process for producing Novello is about 20 days.

The whole bunches are placed within a designated 50 to 70 hl (1,300 to 1,800 US gal) tubs, in which after producing a vacuum of air is blown CO2 at 30 degrees Celsius for 7–14 days. The clusters that are located on the bottom of the tanks are crushed by the mass of grapes and release the juice. Yeasts indigenous to the pulp from the peel migrate in search of oxygen and water, triggering a process of intracellular fermentation. At the end of the cycle, the 'red wine' is slightly crushed and further fermented for 3-4 days. The minimum alcohol content is 11%, the deadline for bottling is 31 December of the same vintage year.[1]

Italy will produce approximately 9 million bottles of Novello in 2009. Production of Novello this year is down some 4% over last year with 236 vineyards making the wine compared to 246 in 2008.[2]

Over 400 vineyards were producing Novello in 2004 after its popularity peaked.

Almost a half of Novello production comes from the northern Veneto region. It is followed by Trentino, Tuscany, Sardinia, Emilia Romagna, Puglia, and Friuli.[3]

Common grape varieties used in production of Vino Novello are: Barbera, Cabernet Sauvignon, Canaiolo, Ciliegiolo, Dolcetto, Grignolino, Merlot, Nebbiolo, Pinot noir, Refosco, Sangiovese and Teroldego.[3]

Profits are expected to reach a value of more than 40 million euro (about $60 million) for 2009.[4]


The birth of 'young wine' comes from southern France in the region of Beaujolais, a county of southern Burgundy. A novel wine making technique was developed by a Frenchman, M. Flanzy, in the 1930s. The main difference in making Novello wines is that the grapes are not crushed and then brewed, but they are fermented using whole grapes, allowing for only a minimum percentage of sugar to be converted into alcohol, ensuring the wine has a smooth, fruity flavor. Italy first started making Novello in the 70s. The first producers were Angelo Gaja (Vinot) and Marchesi Antinori (S. Giocondo).[5] Vino Novello was officially recognized in Italy in 1987.

Beaujolais Nouveau vs. Vino Novello

Beaujolais Nouveau made from Gamay

The two wines are very similar, but there are significant differences.

  • Beaujolais Nouveau is launched the third Thursday of the month of November
  • Novello is marketed November 6
  • Beaujolais Nouveau is produced from a single grape variety: Gamay
  • Italy uses over 60 varieties, of which seven are international. Merlot is the most used (17%), 42 are single-variety
  • The harvest in Beaujolais is strictly manual; grapes must be picked by hand only
  • Italy authorizes mechanical means to pick their grapes
  • For Beaujolais Nouveau, 100% of carbonic maceration must be used
  • A minimum of 30% carbonic maceration is common for Vino Novello. Not all producers restrict the carbonic maceration at 30%, but should be clearly explained in the label
  • France produces about 65 million bottles of Beaujolais (2004)
  • Italy about 17 million bottles of Novello of various types (2004)

See also


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