Åsen, Oslo

Åsen, Oslo

Coordinates: 59°56′26.04″N 10°46′30.66″E / 59.9405667°N 10.7751833°E / 59.9405667; 10.7751833

Buildings at Nordre Åsen (Northern Åsen).

Åsen is a neighborhood in the borough of Sagene in Oslo, Norway. Part of the borough is in Nordre Aker.[1]

The neighbourhood is named after the old farm Åsen (Norse Ósin, from originally *Ásvin). The first element is áss m 'mountain ridge' (here referring to Grefsenåsen), the last element is vin f 'meadow'.

The name is often misunderstood as åsen, the finite form of ås (the modern Norwegian form of áss), and is then wrongly pronounced with accent 1 - but the correct pronunciation is with accent 2.


  1. ^ Henriksen, Petter, ed (2007). "Åsen" (in Norwegian). Store norske leksikon. Oslo: Kunnskapsforlaget. http://www.snl.no/%C3%85sen. Retrieved 29 January 2010. 

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