Non-minimally coupled inflation

Non-minimally coupled inflation

Non-minimally coupled inflation is an inflationary model in which the constant which couples gravity to the inflaton field is not small. The coupling constant is usually represented by ξ, which features in the action (constructed by modifying the Einstein-Hilbert action):[1]

S = \int d^4x \sqrt{-g} \left[{m_P^2 \over 2} R - {1 \over 2}
  \partial^{\mu}\phi \partial_{\mu}\phi - V(\phi) - {\xi \over 2} R

ξ represents the strength of the interaction between R and ϕ, which relate to the curvature of space and the magnitude of the inflaton field respectively.


  1. ^ Hertzberg (2010-02-16), p. 1–2


  • Hertzberg, Mark P. "On Inflation with Non-minimal Coupling". arXiv:1002.2995. 

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