Sefer Nizzahon Yashan

Sefer Nizzahon Yashan

Sefer Nizzahon Yashan (ספר ניצחון) “The Book of Victory” is a 13th Century anonymous Jewish apologetic text. In medieval times this was known in Latin as the Nizzahon Vetus. A modern edition was published by Mordechai Breuer in 1978.[1][2]

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  1. ^ Ora Limor, Guy G. Stroumsa Contra Iudaeos: ancient and medieval polemics between Christians ... 1996 p196 "When one thinks of a typical Ashkenazic polemic, one generally looks to a book such as Sefer Nizzahon Yashan, ... 8 A critical edition of Sefer Nizzahon Yashan, with English translation and notes, can be found in David Berger, The Jewish-Christian Debate in the High Middle Ages 2008 "
  2. ^ Hanne Trautner-Kromann Shield and sword: Jewish polemics against Christianity and the 1993 p103 "The Sefer Nizzahon Vetus begins with a quite brief introduction where God's help is invoked. After this, the text follows the order of the ... Presumably the Nizzahon Vetus was much used because of its manageable and systematic form."

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