Nir Simionovich

Nir Simionovich

Nir Simionovich is the author of the books AsteriskNow[1] published in March 2008 and Asterisk Gateway Interface 1.4 and 1.6 Programming published in January 2009.[2] Simionovich is a Free and open source software consultant and Asterisk specialist at GreenfieldTech[3]. GreenfieldTech won the 2008 Digium Innovation Pioneer Award[4] for a solution that used ultra-sonic speakers and Asterisk to enable people around the world to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Simionovich was a speaker at the ITEXPO conference in Miami in February 2009[5].


Personal Bio

Nir Simionovich was born in Israel in December 1974. Shortly after his 10th birthday, he began to show an interest in software development and held his first ever programming job at the age of 14, having developed various utilities and DOS based tools for lawyers and accounting offices in his home town.

Since then, Simionovich had been involved in various sectors of the Israeli IT and software industry, ranging from software development, cyber security and forensics and intrusion testing.

Since 1996, Simionovich has become increasingly involved in the Israeli Open Source movement. He played a key role at the Technion (1996–2000), where he became an Open Source evangelist and champion for the cause, promoting the usage of Linux and Open Source projects. Simionovich is currently known for his involvement with the Asterisk Open Source PBX project, being the founding father of the Israeli Asterisk users group [6], and being an active lecturer about Asterisk in Israel and around the world.

Simionovich founded Greenfield Technologies Ltd.[7], an Israel-based Asterisk consulting, development and training firm, in early 2007. GreenfieldTech provides Asterisk related services to companies in Israel and around the world. GreenfieldTech is currently known in Israel as the last-line of support for Asterisk [8] based systems, that have been either abandoned by their provider or had reached an impasse with their current solution provider.

Public Lectures

  • Particle Programming with AGI[9][10]
    Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI) is one of the most common methods of developing Asterisk applications. Issues arising from poor AGI development methodologies and traditional programming skills cause developers to develop non-scalable Asterisk AGI environments.
  • Dynamic Asterisk Scalability with Amazon EC2[11][12]
    Amazon EC2 had been slowly gaining force with developers world wide, in developing web applications and web 2.0 mesh-ups. Asterisk, a somewhat resource consuming application is considered unsuitable for Amazon EC2 structures. This talk will discuss the various issues related to creating dynamically extending platforms, using Asterisk, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 and some web mesh-ups.
  • Operator Assisted Dialing - Meeting regulatory requirements in Israel with Asterisk[13]
    Tier-1 carriers in Israel are required to supply operator assisted dialing services as a part of their carrier license - failing to do so revokes the license. In 2005, Bezeq International, Israel's biggest Tier-1 International carrier had been notified by Nortel that their TOPS platform will no longer be supported. A replacement platform was developed, based upon Asterisk - which had been in full production since December 2005. This is the story of the installation, the lessons learned and how to implement your own operator assisted dialing platform - if you require it.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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