

NightWash is a German stand-up comedy "Mix" show, in which stand-up comedians are typically given 7-10 minute spots. The show was originally staged in a coin-operated Laundromat in the Belgian Quarter of Cologne. The show has gone on to be televised, first by local broadcasters WDR Fernsehen, by the German branch of Comedy Central and currently by German public broadcaster Einsfestival. The show is presented by its creator, Klaus-Jürgen "Knacki" Deuser, along with house band Alex Flucht on guitar. The show is well-known due to a number of famous German stand-up comedians making their first appearances there, and it is generally considered an important step in the career of a comedian to perform at Nightwash.[1]

The original show was started in 2000 as an open-mic night, to give stage time to new stand-up comedians - due to stand-up comedy being a fairly new form in Germany, very few open-mic nights existed at that time. The show was originally sited in a Laundromat, as it was thought that this would give the show a captive audience, due to people waiting for their washing to finish. The original laundromat, sited in Brusseler Platz, was closed in 2007. It was not the nearby "Cleanicum" Laundromat, as has oft been misreported, which is on the opposite side of Brusseler Pl.


NightWash TV

In 2000, the show was picked up by WDR Fernsehen, and featured regularly as part of WDR's comedy programming until 2006. From 2006 until 2008 the show was a regular feature of the German arm of Comedy Central. Since November 2009, NightWash is being aired by German public broadcaster Einsfestival.

The production firm behind Nightwash, D'nA Productions, was acquired by Brainpool TV in 2006.[2]

NightWash Special

The NightWash Special is a further development of the format, where the programme concentrates on one comedian, who performs for a complete half-hour. The show is recorded in front of a live audience.

NightWash Schleudergang

Since December 2009, Einsfestival produces best ofs titled "NightWash Schleudergang".

NightWash Live

Since 2008, the show has been staged in a similar laundromat (the Eco-Express Waschsalon) in the Zollstock area of Cologne, at Höninger str. 134. Admission is free, and the show generally attracts a large audience of students from the nearby University. The show takes place every fortnight and is also streamed live through the internet. Clips from it are regularly featured on the Nightwash Live section of the website, as well as on YouTube and the website.

Nightwash on Tour

A regular Nightwash tour takes place twice a year, in which a group of comedians accompany KJ Deuser and Flucht.

Nightwash Club

Regular shows also take place under the banner of Nightwash Club in twenty separate German cities. These shows feature an ever-changing lineup and guest presenters.

External links


  1. ^ Interview mit Knacki Deuser über NightWash
  2. ^ Brainpool TV History 2007

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