

The Spanish word "Nieto" means "grandson." It originated from a Jewish community initially meaning "favored among the elders." "Nieto" comes from a Jewish community in Spain. The Nieto lineage was a part of the killings of year 1492 in Spain where many Jews were given the option to convert to Catholicism, be killed, or exiled to another nation. It is a part of the History of the Jews in Spain

Before Spain, the Nieto surname came from Jerusalem, stemming from the tribe of Judah. It is a Sephardic Jewish surname, according to many top Jewish genealogy literature pieces, such as the popular "Finding Our Fathers." Sephardic Jews are Spanish Jews. A list can be seen at

Notable people whose surname is Nieto include:

  • Angel Nieto (born 1947), Spanish motorcycle racer
  • Antonio Jesús López Nieto (born 1958), Spanish soccer referee
  • David Nieto (1654–1728), Jewish Hakham in London
  • Domingo Nieto (1803–1844), President of Peru
  • Fonsi Nieto (born 1978), Spanish motorcycle racer
  • Jamie Nieto (born 1976), American high jumper
  • Jan Nieto (born 1981), Filipino singer
  • Juan José Nieto Gil, (1805–1866), 61st president of Colombia
  • Manuel Nieto (1734–1804), soldier in Spanish California
  • Miguel Ángel Nieto (born 1986), Spanish soccer player
  • Pablo Nieto (born 1980), Spanish motorcycle racer
  • Tom Nieto (born 1960), American baseball player and manager
  • Rafael Nieto Navia (born 1938), Colombian jurist

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  • Nieto — (Del lat. vulgar nepta , nieta.) ► sustantivo 1 Hijo o hija del hijo o de la hija de una persona, respecto de ella: ■ tuvo su primer nieto a los cincuenta años. 2 Descendiente de una línea genealógica a partir de la tercera generación. ►… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • nieto — (Del lat. vulgar nepta , nieta.) ► sustantivo 1 Hijo o hija del hijo o de la hija de una persona, respecto de ella: ■ tuvo su primer nieto a los cincuenta años. 2 Descendiente de una línea genealógica a partir de la tercera generación. ►… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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