Niels Provos

Niels Provos

Niels Provos is a researcher in the areas of secure systems, malware[1] and cryptography. He is currently a Principal Software Engineer at Google.[2] He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Michigan.[3]

He is the author of numerous software packages, including the libevent event driven programming system, the Systrace access control system, the honeyd honeypot system, the StegDetect steganography detector, the SpyBye malware detector, and many others. He is also the creator of the bcrypt adaptive cryptographic hash function, and was for many years a contributor to the OpenBSD project.

Provos has been an outspoken critic of the effect of the DMCA and similar laws on security researchers, arguing that they threaten to make criminals of people conducting legitimate security research.[4]

Dr. Provos has also served as the Program Chair of the Usenix Security Symposium, on the program committees of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, ACM SIGCOMM, and numerous other conferences, and served on the board of directors of Usenix from 2006 to 2010.



  • Ph.D., Computer Science & Engineering, August 2003, University of Michigan (Dissertation: "Statistical Steganalysis")
  • Diplom in Mathematics, August 1998, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. (Masters in Mathematics). (Thesis: "Cryptography, especially the RSA algorithm on elliptic curves and Z/nZ")
  • Vordiplom in Mathematics, March 1995,Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Vordiplom in Physics, March 1995, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.

Selected Publications


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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