Walter Barshai

Walter Barshai

Walter Barshai (born June 6 1955) is a Russian author, scientist and humanitarian, and the founder of the Tairus Research and Production facility within the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk, Russia.

Barshai was born in Moscow, Russia, a son of a famed musician, Rudolf Barshai and Anna Martinson, daughter of a famed Russian Comic Sergey Martinson, but emigrated to the West in 1972. He is a theoretical physicist and the author of a work on the implications of the uncertainty principle on the Spontaneous Growth of Hydrothermal Crystals [] .He was the recipient of an honorary award from Russian Academy of Sciences for his contribution to the Russian Science (2005). He is also a classical music producer, recordings including Mahler 5th Symphony with JDP, "Richter: last Orchestra performance", Brahms, "Zeltser plays Rachmaninoff", Lokshin and a publisher ("Selected Art Works of Anna Martinson", poetry, etc.).

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