Carsten Zimmermann

Carsten Zimmermann

Carsten Zimmermann, also Carsten-P. Zimmermann (full name: Carsten-Pieter Zimmermann, born March 26, 1978 in Vienna, Austria) is an actor and presenter.

His most significant achievement on stage has been "The Island", a multimedia production staged at the European Forum in Alpbach, Austria in 2003. The production was based on the play "The Island" by South African writer Athol Fugard. It realized Zimmermann's motto: "Truth first." It dealt with various aspects of human rights and was morally supported by Amnesty International.

Many non profit organizations prospered from Zimmermann's attention, such as Aids Hilfe Wien. This comes through modern ways of economising and saving and communication skills which he and his companions are able to establish.

Apart from being a member of MENSA international Zimmermann often presents television shows and is deeply involved in creating new media. This is connected to the fact that he has attended the Professional Program In Producing at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

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