Speedy — can mean:In comics*Speedy (comics), either of two DC Comics superheroes, fictional characters that have each served as teenaged sidekicks for the Green Arrow.Other fictional characters*Speed Buggy, an anthropomorphic, fiberglass Dune Buggy, often … Wikipedia
Speedy J — (born Jochem George Paap in 1969, Rotterdam ), is a Dutch techno producer based in the city of Rotterdam. His breakthrough came with the release in 1992 of the minimal techno track Pullover . Subsequently his material became more mellow as he… … Wikipedia
Speedy — Speed y ( [y^]), a. [Compar. {Speedier}; superl. {Speediest}.] [AS. sp[=e]dyg.] Not dilatory or slow; quick; swift; nimble; hasty; rapid in motion or performance; as, a speedy flight; on speedy foot. [1913 Webster] I will wish her speedy strength … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Speedy — bezeichnet: eine Automarke, siehe Speedy (Automarke) eine Liegedreirad, siehe Windcheetah einen Sänger, siehe Speedy (Sänger) einen Stummfilm, siehe Straßenjagd mit Speedy Aussprache eines experimentellen Sitzungsprotokolls von Google, siehe SPDY … Deutsch Wikipedia
Speedy — puede referirse a: Speedy (Movistar), acceso a Internet, tanto a usuarios finales como mayorista para otros ISP. Speedy Gonzalez, personaje animado de la serie Looney Tunes. Speedy (Personaje), personaje de DC Comics, aprendiz de Flecha Verde.… … Wikipedia Español
Speedy J — Speedy J, nacido como Jochem George Paap en 1969 en Rotterdam, es un productor holandés de techno. Contenido 1 Carrera 2 Discografía 2.1 Colaboraciones como Jochem Paap 3 … Wikipedia Español
Speedy J — Nom Jochem George Paap Naissance 1969 à Rotterdam Pays d’origine Pays Bas Genre musical … Wikipédia en Français
speedy — (adj.) O.E. spedig prosperous, wealthy; meaning moving swiftly is from late 14c., from SPEED (Cf. speed) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Speedily; speediness. Speedy Gonzales, Warner Brothers studios cartoon mouse, debuted in 1953 short directed by Bob … Etymology dictionary
speedy — (izg. spȋdī) prid. <indekl.> DEFINICIJA žarg. okretni, dinamični, brzi, ob. kao opis uz ime ili imenicu [speedy Gonzales] ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
speedy — [spēd′ē] adj. speedier, speediest 1. characterized by speed of motion; rapid; swift 2. without delay; quick; prompt [a speedy reply] SYN. FAST1 speedily adv. speediness n … English World dictionary