Natividad Cepeda

Natividad Cepeda

Natividad Cepeda was born in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real), Spain. She is a Spanish poet, writer and habitual columnist in the Castilla La Mancha press (Lanza, Las Provincias, El periódico común de la Mancha, La tribuna, Pasos, etc. )and in literary magazines (El cardo de bronze, La Alcazaba, etc.) that has been publishing in Spain and Latinoamerica from 1970. Natividad Cepeda's formative influences were Valentin Arteaga, Spanish classic poets and Latino American poets like Pablo Neruda.


Her most well-known published works are:

Poemas para un hombre.

Sólo creo que llueve.

Palabras desde el silencio.

Memorial de amor y leyenda.

Antologías varias. Treinta poéticas (lord Byron Ed) y Nueva poesía y narrativa Hispanoamericana del sg XXI (Lord Byron Ed.)

This poet has been described as the poet of love.


External links

  • [4] La bitacora Mientras la Luz
  • [5] La bitácora Blogcindario.

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