- National Speakers Association
The National Speakers Association (NSA) is a professional speakers' organization that supports the pursuit of Public Speaking as a business.[1] NSA is the oldest and largest of 11 international associations comprising the Global Speakers Federation.[2][3]
NSA was founded in 1973 by Cavett Robert who passed away in 1997. Members still hold to a code of helping one another known as "The Spirit of Cavett." [4]
Organizational Structure and Operations
NSA has national offices in Tempe, Arizona and 39 regional chapters throughout the United States.[5]
NSA holds an annual national convention each summer featuring some of the most successful speakers in the industry.[6] The presenters volunteer their time and pay to attend the convention to share best practices on how to speak better and how to better market a speaking business.
Local/Regional Chapters
Each chapter is led by an elected President and a board of directors. Chapters usually hold monthly meetings featuring a speaker and networking time. Nationally NSA has a Chapter Leadership Council composed of past presidents who serve as resources and volunteer consultants to current chapter leaders.[7]
The organization's website says NSA provides "resources and education designed to advance the skills, integrity, and values of its members and the speaking profession".[8][9]
Speakers Hall of Fame
Membership in the NSA Speakers Hall of Fame also honors those within the speaking profession who have reached the pinnacle of performance excellence. Approximately 200 speakers have received this honor since it was established in 1977 and include Zig Ziglar, Ronald Reagan, Art Linkletter, Jim Rohn, Og Mandino, Nido Qubein, and Earl Nightingale to name a few.[10][11]
In order to join the National Speakers Association, professional speakers must document that they are regularly paid to speak professionally.[12] This may be demonstrated in one of three ways: Been paid for giving 20 or more presentations in the prior 12 months. Given 20 or more presentations to sizable groups in the past 12 months as part of a salaried position. Have earned $25,000 or more in the past 12 months from speaking presentations.
The National Speakers Association is frequently in the news due to the notoriety of its members and its philanthropic work.[13][14][15][16][17][18] NSA members are among the best known professional speakers in the world.[19]
Some Notable NSA Members include (This list is incomplete):[20]
Ken Blanchard
Nido Qubein
Jeanne Robertson
Brian Tracy
Larry Winget
Zig ZiglarReferences
- ^ Mark Lewis (2010-02-16). "Podium Dreams". Forbes.com. http://www.forbes.com/2010/02/16/professional-public-speaking-leadership-meetings-10-advice.html. Retrieved 3 December 2010.
- ^ "Global Speakers Federation". GSF Member Associations. Global Speakers Federation. http://www.globalspeakers.net/federation/associations. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "The Art and Business of Motivational Speaking". Inc.. 1 December 2010. http://www.inc.com/magazine/20101201/the-art-and-business-of-motivational-speaking.html. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
- ^ Mathis, Jim. "Living With Spirit". Cavett Robert Memorial Website. Jim Mathis. http://www.cavettrobert.com/about_cavett.htm. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "NSA Chapters". Find an NSA Chapter. National Speakers Association. http://mynsa.org/CHAPTERSGROUPS/Chapters/NSABoastsChaptersinEveryMajorMarket.aspx.
- ^ "2011 Convention Speakers". 2011 Convention Speakers. National Speakers Association. http://influence11.org/programming/. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "Chapter Leadership Council". CLC. National Speakers Association. http://nsaboard.org/CommitteeLeadership/ChapterLeadershipCouncil.aspx. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ National Speakers Association website
- ^ PR Web Newswire. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/03/prweb5206094.htm. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "Zig Ziglar Bio". Zig Ziglar Bio. Zig Ziglar. http://www.ziglar.com/aboutus_zig_ziglar_bio.html.
- ^ "CPAE List". CPAE Speaker hall of Fame. National Speakers Association. http://www.mynsa.org/INSIDENSA/AwardsandRecognition/CPAESpeakerHallofFame.aspx. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "Qualification Information". Qualification Information. NSA. http://nsaspeaker.org/JOINNSA/QualificationInformation.aspx. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
- ^ "Professor Honored". Deseret News. 08/10/06. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4188/is_20060810/ai_n16656782/. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "NSA Google Search". Google Search for NSA in the News. http://www.google.com/search?q=news+%22national+speakers+association%22+site%3A-.org&hl=en&nfpr=1&biw=1280&bih=815&num=10&lr=&ft=i&cr=&safe=off&tbs=#sclient=psy&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&source=hp&q=news+%22national+speakers+association%22+-.org&pbx=1&oq=news+%22national+speakers+association%22+-.org&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=12913l13945l0l14434l5l5l0l0l0l2l319l1247l0.1.3.1l5l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=db71f152babe55ba&biw=1280&bih=815. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "Professional Associations: Gold Mines or Coal Mines?". Inc. 10/21/99. http://www.inc.com/articles/1999/10/14722.html. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "Elmhurst Student Wins NSA Award". Elmhurst Student Wins NSA Award. Elmhurst College. http://public.elmhurst.edu/news/archive/127337903.html.
- ^ "National Speakers Association". Our Weekly. 08/04/11. http://www.ourweekly.com/tags/national-speakers-association. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "Got the Gift of Gab Make a Living Out of It". Daily Finance AOL. 04/11/08. http://www.dailyfinance.com/2008/04/11/got-the-gift-of-gab-make-a-living-out-of-it/. Retrieved 6 September 2011.
- ^ "Find A Speaker". Find A Speaker. National Speakers Association. http://bureau.espeakers.com/nsas/results.php?nosearchcache.
- ^ "NSA Online Membership Directory". NSA Online Membership Directory. NSA/eSpeakers. http://bureau.espeakers.com/nsas/results.php?nosearchcache. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
Categories:- Public speaking
- Professional associations based in the United States
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