Nathan Stoltzfus

Nathan Stoltzfus

Nathan Stoltzfus , born 1954, is an associate professor of history at Florida State University noted for his work on protest during the Nazi era,[1] particularly the Rosenstrasse Protest that has sparked debate and discussion about the possibility and impact of protest in Nazi Germany.[2] He was educated at Goshen College (B.A. 1978) and Harvard University (PhD, 1993), and has authored or edited five books.[3]



One of his book, Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany[4] was co-recipient of the Fraenkel Prize in Contemporary History (1993). German and French translations carried a foreword by German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer.[5] In Britain it was a New Statesman "Book of the Year". Die Zeit called it the "standard work" on the protest, which was the center of a little Historikerstreit.

His other works include Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany[6] (Princeton University Press, 2001), co-edited with Robert Gellately; Shades of Green: Environmental Activism around the Globe[7] (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006), co-edited with Doug Weiner and Christof Mauch, Courageous Resistance: The Power of Ordinary People[8] (Palgrave MacMillan, 2007), co-authored with five professors of history, political science, and sociology; Nazi Crimes and the Law[9] (Cambridge University Press, 2008), co-edited with Henry Friedlander.[3]

Recent works

Nathan Stoltzfus is currently working on the impact of the Cold War and its demise on national memories and representations of World War II in several European countries.


  1. ^ "Helden ohne Namen". Einestages/Der Spiegel. Retrieved 2009-12-31. 
  2. ^ "Rosenstraße - h-german discussion forum". July 2004. Retrieved 2009-12-31. 
  3. ^ a b "Nathan Stoltzfus at Florida State University". Retrieved 2009-12-31. 
  4. ^ Stoltzfus, Nathan (1996). Resistance of the heart: intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse protest in Nazi Germany. New York: W.W. Norton. ISBN 978-0-8135-2909-7. 
  5. ^ translation into English by Christine Schurtman. "Foreword to "Resistance of the Heart" by Joschka Fischer, Foreign Minister of Germany". Retrieved 2009-12-31. 
  6. ^ Gellately, Robert; Stoltzfus, Nathan (2001). Social outsiders in Nazi Germany. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-08684-2. 
  7. ^ Mauch, Christof; Stoltzfus, Nathan; Weiner, Douglas R. (2006). Shades of green: environmental activism around the globe. Lanham, Md.: Rowan Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7425-4648-6. 
  8. ^ E. Thalhammer, Kristina; L. O'Loughlin, Paula; Glazer, Myron; Glazer, Penina Migdal; McFarland, Sam; Stoltzfus, Nathan; Toffey Shepela, Sharon. Courageous Resistance: The Power of Ordinary People. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4039-8498-2. 
  9. ^ Stoltzfus, Nathan; Friedlander, Henry (2008). Nazi crimes and the law. Washington, D.C.: German Historical Institute. ISBN 978-0-521-89974-1. 

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