- MV-algebra
abstract algebra , a branch of puremathematics , an MV-algebra is analgebraic structure with abinary operation oplus, aunary operation eg, and the constant 0, satisfying certain axioms. MV-algebras are models ofŁukasiewicz logic ; the letters MV refer to "multi-valued" logic of Łukasiewicz.Definitions
An MV-algebra is an
algebraic structure langle A, oplus, lnot, 0 angle, consisting of
* a non-empty set A,
* abinary operation oplus on A,
* aunary operation lnot on A, and
* a constant 0 denoting a fixed element of A,which satisfies the following identities:
* x oplus y) oplus z = x oplus (y oplus z),
* x oplus 0 = x,
* x oplus y = y oplus x,
* lnot lnot x = x,
* x oplus lnot 0 = lnot 0, and
* lnot ( lnot x oplus y)oplus y = lnot ( lnot y oplus x) oplus x.By virtue of the first three axioms, langle A, oplus, 0 angle is a commutative
monoid . Being defined by identities, MV-algebras form a variety of algebras. The variety of MV-algebras is a subvariety of the variety ofBL-algebra s and contains all Boolean algebras.An MV-algebra can equivalently be defined (Hájek 1998) as a prelinear commutative bounded integral
residuated lattice langle L, wedge, vee, otimes, ightarrow, 0, 1 angle satisfying the additional identity x vee y = (x ightarrow y) ightarrow y.Examples of MV-algebras
A simple numerical example is A= [0,1] , with operations x oplus y = min(x+y,1) and lnot x=1-x. In mathematical fuzzy logic, this MV-algebra is called the "standard MV-algebra", as it forms the standard real-valued semantics of
Łukasiewicz logic .The "trivial" MV-algebra has the only element 0 and the operations defined in the only possible way, 0oplus0=0 and lnot0=0.
The "two-element" MV-algebra is actually the
two-element Boolean algebra 0,1}, with oplus coinciding with Boolean disjunction and lnot with Boolean negation.Other finite linearly ordered MV-algebras are obtained by restricting the universe and operations of the standard MV-algebra to the set of n+1 equidistant real numbers between 0 and 1 (both included), that is, the set 0,1/n,2/n,dots,1}, which is closed under the operations oplus and lnot of the standard MV-algebra.
Another important example is "Chang's MV-algebra", consisting just of infinitesimals (with the
order type ω) and their co-infinitesimals.Relation to Łukasiewicz logic
Chang devised MV-algebras to study
multi-valued logic s, introduced byJan Łukasiewicz in 1920. In particular, MV-algebras form thealgebraic semantics ofŁukasiewicz logic , as described below.Given an MV-algebra "A", an "A"-valuation is a
homomorphism from the algebra ofpropositional formula s (in the language consisting of oplus,lnot, and 0) into "A". Formulas mapped to 1 (or lnot0) for all "A"-valuations are called "A"-tautologies. If the standard MV-algebra over [0,1] is employed, the set of all [0,1] -tautologies determines so-called infinite-valuedŁukasiewicz logic .Chang's (1958, 1959) completeness theorem states that any MV-algebra equation holding in the standard MV-algebra over the interval [0,1] will hold in every MV-algebra. Algebraically, this means that the standard MV-algebra generates the variety of all MV-algebras. Equivalently, Chang's completeness theorem says that MV-algebras characterize infinite-valued
Łukasiewicz logic , defined as the set of [0,1] -tautologies.The way the [0,1] MV-algebra characterizes all possible MV-algebras parallels the well-known fact that identities holding in the
two-element Boolean algebra hold in all possible Boolean algebras. Moreover, MV-algebras characterize infinite-valuedŁukasiewicz logic in a manner analogous to the way thatBoolean algebras characterize classical bivalent logic (seeLindenbaum-Tarski algebra ).References
*Chang, C. C. (1958) "Algebraic analysis of many-valued logics," "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society" 88: 476–490.
*------ (1959) "A new proof of the completeness of the Lukasiewicz axioms," "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society" 88: 74–80.
* Cignoli, R. L. O., D'Ottaviano, I. M. L., Mundici, D. (2000) "Algebraic Foundations of Many-valued Reasoning". Kluwer.
* Di Nola A., Lettieri A. (1993) "Equational characterization of all varieties of MV-algebras," "Journal of Algebra" 221: 123–131.
* Hájek, Petr (1998) "Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic". Kluwer.External links
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy : " [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-manyvalued/ Many-valued logic] " -- by Siegfried Gottwald.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.