napper — [ nape ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1845; de nappe 1 ♦ Couvrir comme d une nappe. « la table nappée d une broderie ancienne » (Colette). 2 ♦ (XXe) Cuis. Recouvrir (une viande, un gâteau) d une couche de sauce, de gelée, etc. Napper un gâteau de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Napper — ist der Name folgender Personen: George Napper (1550–1610, römisch katholischer Priester und Martyrer Lane Napper, US amerikanischer Schauspieler Larry C. Napper (* 1947), US amerikanischer Diplomat Robert Napper (* 1966), britischer Serienmörder … Deutsch Wikipedia
napper — napper1 [nap′ər] n. a person who naps or is in the habit of taking naps napper2 [nap′ər] n. a person, device, or machine that raises a nap on cloth … English World dictionary
napper — I Scottish Vernacular Dictionary Yer heid or head. II Glesga Glossary Head III Cumbrian Dictionary ( n napper) head, e.g. Gaffer s napper = The Kings Head a pub in Carlisle where you can always get a seat (or could until they refurbished it) … English dialects glossary
Napper — This famous name, with variant spellings, Naper and Napper, derives from the Old French nap(p)ier , from nappe , a table cloth, plus the agent suffix ier , and was originally given as an occupational name to a person in charge of the table linen… … Surnames reference
Napper-Tandy — (spr. Tändi), Irländer, predigte in seinem Vaterlande die Grundsätze der französischen Revolution, gab 1791 eine Erklärung im Namen der vereinigten Irländer über die nöthige Regierungsreform heraus u. wurde Secretär einer Gesellschaft Römisch… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Napper, Venerable George — • Or George Napier. Expelled from university for being Catholic, imprisoned for nearly 9 years for merely visiting the English College at Reims, finally martyred for being a priest. He died in 1610 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
napper — napper1 /nap euhr/, n. 1. a textile worker who naps cloth. 2. a machine for putting a nap on cloth. [1760 70; NAP2 + ER1] napper2 /nap euhr/, n. a person who naps or dozes. [1350 1400; ME; see NAP1, ER1] * * * … Universalium
napper — noun a) a person who takes frequent naps b) the head … Wiktionary
napper — næpÉ™(r) n. person accustomed to napping; one who dozes; one who naps cloth after it is fulled … English contemporary dictionary