

Nanka (pronounced as Nan-ka by the natives), is an Igbo speaking town in south eastern Nigeria. It is in the Orumba North Local Government area of Anambra State. Its geographic coordinates are 6" 03' 00 North, 7" 05' 00 East.[1]. Its neighbors are Oko, Agulu, Ekwulobia, Aguluzoigbo, Isuofia, Umuona,Awgbu. Nanka is regarded as a citadel of learning due to the early embrace of western education. Nanka comprises seven villages including Agbiligba, Enugwu, Ifite, Amako, Umudala, Ubahu, and Etti, in that order. Agbiligba is the head village in Nanka with three major kinderds (ebe n'ato);Obu Ezekeiri,Umuduno,Oka.Other establishments like Nanka Post Office was built and commissioned in the early 20th century. The town boasts several well educated people, 92 professors/Ph.ds and has contributed immensely by offering primary education for many children from the listed neighbors and beyond.

The Agulu-Nanka gully erosion has the potential for an ecological disaster, because the erosion causes frequent landslides. In the Nanka Community, Eketai in Amako Village, was reported to be a flourishing Slave Market during the period of the trafficking in human cargo and popularized by Ezenwenwe. The menacing erosion in Nanka today is said to have its origin in the notorious market. A Soil Erosion Management Expert- Benneth Obele- in 2009 wrote that " erosion disaster in Nanka Ududo dates back to early 1920s when the gully sites were first observed near Eketai Market in Amako village as well as near Ududonka Shrine. The lucrative and hidden business in human trafficking or slave trade conducted within those two sites led to development of hidden bush foot pathways that were heavily flooded from neighbouring communities precipitating gully erosion"{Nanka Patriotic Union at 80[1],by Patrick Okeke Emezue} On the heels of 19/6/2008 landslide which cut off Amako village from the rest of Nanka the Nanka Patriotic Union, NPU, social-political-cultural organization of Nanka People, set up measures for capacity building of inhabitants on application of control measures. The effort is yielding fruit as patriots of the community had donated nearly 10,000 cashew seedlings for planting in the 20 erosion sites scattered in the town. [2] The issue was discussed at the Oririji (New Yam) Festival on August 21 of 2010, where Igwe G.N Ofomata, Obu Nanka,{1991 to Date} adressed the people. Igwe Joseph Nwankwo Ezenekwe was traditional ruler of Nanka from 1977-1982. [3] Nanka has two main markets that trade on specific days of the Igbo calendar (Nkwo-Agu which trades on the Nkwo market day, Afor-Udo which trades on the Afor market day). The current traditional ruler of Nanka is Igwe Ofomata who has a royal palace situated in Enugwu-Nanka village.


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