National Institute for Lifelong Education

National Institute for Lifelong Education

NILE (National Institute for Lifelong Education) is a national level organization, which is established base on article 19 of the Lifelong Education Act of Republic of Korea.

The National Institute for Lifelong Education(NILE) makes its way towards the advent of lifelong learning and the establishment of a creative, reliable and hopeful society. NILE will offer diverse opportunities to enable every individual to learn throughout his or her entire life-promoting a healthy lifelong learning culture, realizing individual dreams and enhancing national development. [1]



2007.11.22 The National Assembly passed Lifelong Act, Wholly Amended
2007.12.14 Promulgated Lifelong Education Act(Enforced 15 FEB 2008)
2007.12.20 Authorized statute of NILE
2008. 1. 2 Registration of NILE as a foundation
2008. 1.11 In Joo Park appointed first president of NILE
2008. 2.15 NILE launched
2008.10.6~8 Hosted CONFINTEA VI Asia–Pacific Regional Preparatory Conference
2009. 2.13 Commemorated 1st anniversary seminar
2009. 2.23 Ceremony of conferment of degrees of Academic Credit Bank System & Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education

Vision and Objects

The NILE's vision is centreal organization for national lifelong education relaizing every individual's dream and constructing creative lifelong Korea. NILE's core values are growth, achievement, openness, reliability, accountability, and NILE has 3 Objectives excellence in customer support services, forstering foothold projects for sustaninable growth, organizationl management based on performance excellence for enhancing competitiveness.


  • Improving quality of support services
  • Developing a lifelong education information system
  • Establishing cooperative networks
  • Elevating project management and ecaluation skills
  • Strengthening expertise of lifelong education proefessinals
  • Strengthening policy development funcion
  • Activating school-based lifelong education
  • Expanding the scope of assessment and acknowledgement of learning outcomes
  • Establishing a performance managemnet system centered in accomplishment
  • Creating a practical and innovative organizational culture
  • Improving organizational transparency and social accountability
  • Activating learning organization


  • Lifelong education survey
  • Drafting The National Lifelong Education Master Plan
  • Lifelong Education program development
  • Training lifelong education professionals
  • Establishing networks among lifelong education organizations
  • Supporting provincial lifelong education institutes
  • Operating a comprehensive lifelong education information system
  • Projects on acknowledging academic credit and conferring degree regarding Act on Recognition of Credits, etc. and Act on the Acquisition of Academic Degree through Self-Education
  • Operating Lifelong Learning Account

Project areas

NILE carries out all tasks stated in Lifelong Education Act including providing support for the promotion of lifelong education and survey projects, establishing networks among lifelong education organizations, and operating a comprehensive lifelong education information system.

Lifelong Education Projects

  • Lifelong Education Policy Project : NILE strives to develop references for lifelong education promotion and support policy planning by investigating current issues in lifelong education. NILE also publishes the Lifelong Education White Book by assessing the current situation and accomplishments of lifelong education policy.
  • Lifelong Learning City Project : Lifelong Learning City Project is a regional innovation project that aims to guarantee the right to learn. This project also strives for social integration and economic development. NILE administers the seletion progress and provides consultaion for lifelong learning cites.
  • Lifelong Education University Project : NILE supports lifelong education institutes within universities. This project is for citizens to participate in qualified lifelong learning programs and to develop their expertise.
  • Training Project for Lifelong Education Professionals : NILE endeavors to support and nurture lifelong learning educators as defined by the Lifelong Education Act. NILE provides professional training programs for educators and other personnel responsible for lifelong education.
  • Adult Literacy Education Project : The adult literacy education support project aims to provide basic education for illiterate and undereducated adults. NILE undertakes financial aid project for adult literacy organizations and offers training programs for adult literacy program specialists. NILE also conducts research projects related to adult literacy.
  • Lifelong Education support : NILE provides lifelong education programs for the margnialized in an effort to alleviate poverty and supports weekend lifelong education programs.
  • Promoting Lifelong Learning Culture project : NILE is responsible for the National Lifelong Learning Festival thath promotes lifelong learning culture and the National Lifelong Learning Awards that recognize excellent practices.
  • International Lifelong Education Project : NILE participates in projects held by international organizations such as UNESCO, builds the relationship between related organizations, and activates international cooperation with joint researches.

Lifelong Learning Account System

NILE will institutionalize a lifelong learning account system to manage individual learning records and provide compensation for eligible learning expenses. The system is intended to encourage individual involvement in non-formal lifelong learning activities.

Academic Credit Bank System

The Academic Credit Bank System(ACBS) is an educational system which recognizes diverse types of learning experiences acquired not only in school but also outside of scholls under 'Act on Recognition of Credits, etc.'. It allows people with various educational backgraounds to obtain a higher education degree at the bachelopr or associate degree level.

Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education

Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education enavles a self-taught learner to attain a bachelor's degree by passing the required examinations. The degree is officially conferred by The Ministry of Education, Science and Techonology. It aims to facilitate self-directed learning activities for lifelong learners by officially approving self-taught learning results through a 4-stage process of qualifying examinations.

See also

  • lifelong education
  • Bachelor's Degree Examination for Self-Education


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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