

Kanthal is an alloy of mainly iron and chromium (20–30 %), aluminium (4–7,5 %). Kanthal was developed by Hans von Kantzow in Hallstahammar. In 1931 the company "Kanthal AB" was started. The name "Kanthal" is composed of "Kant"zow and "Hal"lstahammar. The alloy is known for its ability to withstand high temperatures and having great electric resistance. As such, it is frequently used in heating elements.

Kanthal sell the so-called "Kanthal Super" molybdenum disilicide MoSi2 elements as well for very high temperatures up to convert|1850|°C|°F|abbr=on|lk=on.

Siliconcarbide (SiC) elements is also manufactured by Kanthal for temperatures up to convert|1625|°C|°F|abbr=on|lk=off.

Ordinary Kanthal has a melting point of convert|1200|°C|°F|abbr=on|lk=off. Special grades has a melting point as high as convert|1425|°C|°F|abbr=on|lk=off. [cite web|title=Electric heater for a semiconductor processing apparatus - US Patent 7027722|url=http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/7027722-description.html 071103 patentstorm.us]

Kanthal AB is now part of the Sandvik AB company.

Here is some experimental data (un-verified, but relatively, not exactly accurate):

Temperature Resistance A/l Resistivity Conductivity Kanthal Alloy (C) (Ohm) (m) (Ohm m) (Ohm m)-1 ln (s) T (K) 1/ T (K-1) T1 = 0 C 4 87.00 1.27E-08 1.10E-06 905059.28 13.72 277 3.61E-03 T2 = 25 C 35 86.90 1.27E-08 1.10E-06 906100.78 13.72 308 3.25E-03 T3 = 50 C 56 87.00 1.27E-08 1.10E-06 905059.28 13.72 329 3.04E-03 T4 = 75 C 80 85.90 1.27E-08 1.09E-06 916649.10 13.73 353 2.83E-03 T5 = 100 C 98 85.20 1.27E-08 1.08E-06 924180.25 13.74 371 2.70E-03 T6 = 125 C 110 86.50 1.27E-08 1.10E-06 910290.84 13.72 383 2.61E-03

See also

* Nichrome


External links

* [http://www.kanthal.com Company's website]

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