
Myworksearch Ltd.
Type Online Re-employment & Outplacement
Founded London UK (2009)
Headquarters London, England / UK

MyWorkSearch is an UK based online business that provides subscription-based support, training and job search tools to individuals looking for their next job. Usually subscribers fees are paid by their previous employers or, if they qualify, by Jobcentre Plus (an agency of the Department for Work and Pensions). Subscribers are also able to pay for their own membership on a monthly or quarterly basis.

MyWorkSearch is one of the founders of the online re-employment assistance or outplacement market. The company was launched in February 2009, when global recession was taking hold and unemployment levels were significantly increasing.

MyWorkSearch has taken a very different business model approach compared to conventional outplacement service providers, whose services are constrained by available employer budgets leading to the availability of the service being rationed. The MyWorkSearch service is designed to be delivered exclusively online ensuring it is flexible, scalable and affordable. This technology-focused approach means that a high quality, customizable service can be delivered at much lower cost.

Within a relatively short amount of time the commercial model proved successful and the company won the 2010 LinkedIn European Business Awards Startup category.


Business Services

  • Job Finder — using RSS feeds, enables users to automatically monitor most major UK job boards by inputting preferred job locations and job types. Also enables users to monitor updates to job sites that do not support RSS.
  • CV Builder — uses wizards, templates and interactive advice to facilitate users to build a targeted and professional Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Résumé.
  • eCV — enables users to publish their Curriculum Vitae or Résumé online.
  • Interview Training — uses e-Learning, audio and video to improve user performance at telephone or face to face interviews.
  • Advice Centre — interactive e-Learning, information and advice about a wide variety of job seeking subjects.
  • Webinars — live, online interactive training sessions on various career and job search related issues.
  • Coaching — telephone, webinar or face to face outplacement or confidence coaching delivered one to one or to groups.


  • February 2009 - MyWorkSearch launched.
  • March 2010 - MyWorkSearch won the Best Business Startup of the Year at the LinkedIn European Business Awards 2010.
  • June 2010 - the MyWorkSearch Advice Centre was launched providing wide ranging advice about job search and unemployment issues using flash-based interactive e-learning techniques.
  • July 2010 - the MyWorkSearch eCV was launched enabling subscribers to publish their CV online making it available for job agencies and employers.
  • July 2010 - the MyWorkSearch webinar program launched providing live, online, interactive learning about job search and unemployment issues.
  • September 2010 - MyWorkSearch won the UK Microsoft BizSpark Award 2010.[1]
  • October 2010 - MyWorkSearch was a finalist in the National Online Recruitment Awards 2010.
  • October 2010 - MyWorkSearch was announced as a finalist in the IT Training Awards 2011.
  • November 2010 - MyWorkSearch won the Gold Award in Innovative category in the The E-Learning Awards 2010.

Since launch, over 30,000 subscribers have joined.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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