Horten Ho XVIII

Horten Ho XVIII

The Horten Ho XVIII was a proposed German World War II intercontinental bomber that would have been based upon the Horten Ho 229 design. Like the Ho 229, it would have retained the stealth capabilities of the previous design, as well as a large fuel capacity, which would allow it to fly across the Atlantic Ocean both ways without refueling.

Development and design


The A model of the Ho XVIII was a long, smooth blended wing. Its six jet engines were buried deep into the wing and the exhaust centered on the trailing end. The aircraft greatly resembled the Horten Ho-229 flying wing fighter. Many odd features distinguished the aircraft. The landing gear would be jettisoned after takeoff. Also, the flying wing was made of wood and carbon based glue, making it a stealth aircraft. The aircraft was first proposed for the Amerika Bomber project and was personally reviewed by Herman Goering. After review, the Horten brothers were forced to share design and construction of the aircraft with Junkers and Messerschmitt engineers. The engineers wanted to add a single rudder fin. Also they suggested using underwing pods to house the engines and landing gear. Unsatisfied, the Horten brothers began work on the Ho XVIIIB.


The B model of the Ho XVIIIB was generally the same as the A model. One major difference was the four (down from six) engines and four-wheel landing gear were held in underwing pods. The landing gear retracted into the pods. The aircraft used a three-man crew under a bubble canopy. Armament was considered unnecessary. The aircraft was to be built in huge concrete hangars and operate off long runways. The aircraft was supposed to begin construction near the end of fall 1945, but the end of the war came with no progress.

Similar aircraft

*Northrop YB-49

External links

* [http://www.luft46.com/horten/horten.html Luft'46]
* [http://www.nurflugel.com/Nurflugel/Horten_Nurflugels/ho_xviii/body_ho_xviii.html Nurflugel.com]

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