- Ambiguities in Chinese character simplification
Main article: Simplified Chinese characters
A relatively small number of Chinese characters known as (Chinese (PRC)): 简繁一对多; (Chinese (Taiwan)): 簡繁一對多 do not have a one-to-one mapping between their simplified and traditional forms. This is because the simplification process merged two or more distinct characters into one. In most cases, the characters all have the same pronunciation, but their meanings may be completely unrelated.
As a result, converting text from simplified to traditional characters is difficult to automate, especially in the case of common characters such as 后後后 (behind, empress), 表表錶 (table, clock), 奸奸姦 (traitor, rape) and more.
By far less common are traditional characters that map to two simplified characters.
The following is an exhaustive list of all characters whose simplified and traditional forms do not map in a one-to-one manner. Simplified characters are marked with a pink background, and traditional characters with light blue.
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板板闆 杯杯盃 辟辟闢 表表錶 别別彆 卜卜蔔 布布佈 才才纔 彩彩綵 参參蔘 冲沖衝 虫虫蟲
丑丑醜 仇仇讎 出出齣 村村邨 粗粗麤 酬酬醻 当當噹 党黨党 淀澱淀 吊弔吊 冬冬鼕 发發髮
范范範 丰豐丰 谷谷穀 雇雇僱 刮刮颳 广廣广 哄哄鬨 后後后 伙夥伙 获獲穫 几幾几 饥飢饑
迹跡蹟 奸奸姦 姜姜薑 借借藉 尽盡儘 据據据 卷捲卷 克克剋 困困睏 夸夸誇 罗羅囉 累累纍
厘厘釐 漓漓灕 梁梁樑 了了瞭 霉霉黴 弥彌瀰 蔑蔑衊 么么麼 麽麽麼 苹蘋苹 仆僕仆 铺鋪舖
朴朴樸 签簽籤 确確确 舍舍捨 沈沈瀋 胜勝胜 术術朮 松松鬆 他他祂 叹嘆歎 坛壇罈 你你妳
体體体 同同衕 涂涂塗 团團糰 喂喂餵 为為爲 纤纖縴 咸鹹咸 弦弦絃 绣綉繡 须須鬚 熏熏燻
腌醃腌 叶葉叶 佣傭佣 涌湧涌 游游遊 于於于 余余餘 吁籲吁 郁郁鬱 欲欲慾 御御禦 愿願愿
岳岳嶽 云雲云 赞贊讚 脏臟髒 扎扎紮 占占佔 折折摺 征征徵 证證証 志志誌 制制製 致致緻
钟鍾鐘 种種种 周周週 注註注 准準准 冢塚冢 庄庄莊 涩澀澁 蚕蠶蚕 忏懺忏 吨噸吨 赶趕赶
构構构 柜櫃柜 怀懷怀 坏壞坏 极極极 茧繭茧 家家傢 价價价 洁潔洁 惊驚惊 腊臘腊 蜡蠟蜡
帘簾帘 怜憐怜 岭嶺岭 扑撲扑 秋秋鞦 千千韆 确確确 扰擾扰 洒灑洒 晒曬晒 适適适 听聽听
洼窪洼 网網网 旋旋鏇 踊踴踊 优優优 症症癥 朱朱硃 荐薦荐 离離离 卤鹵滷 气氣气 圣聖圣
万萬万 与與与 摆擺襬 虮蟣虮 篱籬篱 泞濘泞 恶惡噁 托托託 咽嚥咽
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曲曲麯麴 升升昇陞 苏蘇囌甦 系系係繫 尝嘗甞嚐 胡胡鬍衚 划畫劃划 回回迴囘 汇匯彙滙 里里裡裏
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并并並併竝 采采埰寀採 厂厂庵厰廠 干乾干幹榦 蒙蒙懞濛矇 面面麵麪麫 复復複覆复 萱萲蕿蘐藼
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著著着 兒兒(ní)儿(ér) 乾乾(qián)干(gān) 夥夥伙 藉藉(jí)借(jiè) 瞭瞭(liào)了(liǎo) 麼麽(mó)么(me) 餘馀余 摺摺折 徵徵(zhǐ)征(zhēng) 畫画划 鯰鲶鲇 瀋沈渖 鹼碱硷
Special Case
薴(níng) (limonene) has the simplified form 苧;however 苧(zhù) (a type of grass) is a traditional character, which has the simplified form 苎.
Categories:- Articles with Chinese (Taiwan) language external links
- Chinese characters
- Language
- Writing system stubs
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.