Multi-word verbs are verbs that consist of more than one word,[1] e.g. had better, used to, be going to, ought to. They are synonymous with phrasal verbs. They are used as modals, but they are semi-modal rather than modal verbs.
Word formation — In linguistics, word formation is the creation of a new word. Word formation is sometimes contrasted with semantic change, which is a change in a single word s meaning. The line between word formation and semantic change is sometimes a bit… … Wikipedia
Phrasal verb — A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition, any of which are part of the syntax of the sentence, and so are a complete semantic unit. Sentences, however, may… … Wikipedia
Compound verb — In linguistics, a compound verb or complex predicate is a multi word compound that acts as a single verb. One component of the compound is a light verb or vector, which carries any inflections, indicating tense, mood, or aspect, but provides only … Wikipedia
Leben (Verb.) — 1. Allens, wat liewet, dat liewet gêrn. (Waldeck.) Holl.: Al, wat leven heeft ontvangen, gaat op losse en looze gangen. (Harrebomée, II, 19.) 2. Anders lebt man bei uns, anders zu Rom. 3. Aso lang man lebt, thur (darf) män nit reden; as män… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
French grammar — refers to the grammar of the French language, which is similar to that of the other Romance languages.French is a moderately inflected language. Nouns and most pronouns are inflected for number (singular or plural); adjectives, for the number and … Wikipedia
Split infinitive — A split infinitive is an English language grammatical construction in which a word or phrase, usually an adverb or adverbial phrase, comes between the marker to and the bare infinitive (uninflected) form of a verb. For example, a split infinitive … Wikipedia
Acronym and initialism — For acronyms used on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Acronyms. Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations formed from the initial components in a phrase or name. These components may be individual letters (as in CEO) or parts of words (as in Benelux and … Wikipedia
Quebec French — Français québécois Spoken in Quebec (mainly), Ontario, Western Canada, New England Native speakers (mother tongue) 6 million in Quebec, 700,000 elsewhere in Canada[ … Wikipedia
Lemma (morphology) — In morphology and lexicography, a lemma (plural lemmas or lemmata) is the canonical form, dictionary form, or citation form of a set of words (headword). In English, for example, run, runs, ran and running are forms of the same lexeme, with run… … Wikipedia
Preposition and postposition — Prepositions (or more generally, adpositions, see below) are a grammatically distinct class of words whose most central members characteristically express spatial relations (such as the English words in, under, toward) or serve to mark various… … Wikipedia