

Mujawwad is a melodic style of Qur'an recitation which is known throughout the muslim world. As opposed to Murattal, multiple types of sectioning are used in regards to its phrase lengths. The vocal quality of Mujawwad can be relaxed, tense, or alternate between the two, to create a dramatic effect. The melodic structure tends to be step-wise, but leaps of a fourth or more are also used; range can extend over an octave. The Melismatic properties of Mujawwad can be quite extensive as compared to the mostly syllabic content of Murattal.


There are six primary styles/tunes (Maqām {مقام}) of recitation. They are as follows:

  1. `Ajam {عجم}
  2. Bayāt {بيات}
  3. Ḥijāz {حجاز}
  4. Nahāwand {نهاوند}
  5. Rast {رست}
  6. Ṣabā {صبا}

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