

Al-Mu'aqqibat (Arabic: country معقبت) is the Angel of the maintain every being at the time living, traveling, time to sleep or when waking up from the dead to come time of death. The host is included in the Hafazhah (the guards) and the concept of the guardian angel is similar to the concept of the guardian angel in Christian teachings.


The word al-mu'aqqibat is the plural of the word al-mua'qqibah. The word is derived from the word ' aqiba meaning heel, from here the word is understood in the sense that it follows the following as his heels at the heels of putting the race. Pattern names used here meaning an emphasis and referred to is the language of the angels who were assigned to follow every creature of God in earnest.

Mu'aqqibat of the Qur'an and Hadith

The angels assigned to keep a servant in all ihwalnya, stated in the Qur'an Al-Ra'du 10-11, which reads: "Tantamount (to God), who in the secret of his expression," and who is to come clean with the remark that, and who is hiding out at night and running (appeared) in the afternoon. For humans there are angels who always follow her take turns, in the face and behind it, they keep the commandments of God. " (Al-Raad: 10-11) "And the Al-An'am which reads: "And it was he who had supreme power over all his servants, and he sent Angels guard thee ...(Al-An'am: 61) "in the hadeeth of Abdullah, who is recorded by Imam Ahmad, Muhammad has ever said about the existence of angels and the Jinn beings that accompanies every human being. According to the story of Islam, it's just that jin has defeated that accompanied Muhammad by him.

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