Bitburger brewery

Bitburger brewery

Bitburger brewery (Bitburger Brauerei Th. Simon GmbH) is a large German brewery founded in 1817 by Johann Wallenborn. It is the market leader in Germany with annual sales of 4.12 million hectolitres [ [ Welcome to Bitburger ] ] , the most well known product being Bitburger Premium Pils [ [ Bitburger Premium Pils from Bitburger Brauerei Th. Simon, a Classic German Pilsener style beer: An unofficial page for Bitburger Premium Pils from Bitburger Brauerei Th. Simon in Bitburg, Rheinland-Pfalz, , Germany ] ] .


Johann Peter Wallenborn founded the brewery in Bitburg in 1817 when 33 years old. His father owned a brewery in Kyllburg. Three years after Wallenborn's death in 1839 Ludwig Bertrand Simon married into the family business and became owner of the brewery, naming it Simonbrau. His son, Theobald Simon, took over the brewery in 1876 at the age of twenty-nine. [ [ Bitte, ein bit: Bitburger sells more draft than any other German brewer - Featured Brewery | Modern Brewery Age | Find Articles at ] ] .


The company slogan is, "Bitte ein Bit." This is literally, "Please, a Bit," or "a Bit, please." In the 1980s, the slogan was "Abends Bit, morgens fit" ("Bit in the evening, fit in the morning") implying that the consumption wouldn't lead to a hangover.

Product range

Bitburger is a 4.8% abv pale lager with annual sales of 1.2 million hectolitres. The popularity of Bitburger extends beyond the local area of Bitburg. Although Germans generally prefer local breweries, it is a popular beer throughout Western Germany, and is favored in many areas of North Rhine Westphalia over even Alt beer or Kölsch, which are popular in Düsseldorf and Cologne.

It is exported throughout the world. It is also available in Mini Kegs in some countries such as Australia. In the US, it's available in 16.9oz cans, 12oz bottles, the 5L Mini Keg, and on tap in select locations.


* [ Official Site] (English)

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