Thais of Athens

Thais of Athens

Thais of Athens is a historical novel by Ivan Efremov written in 1972. It tells the story of the famous hetaera Thais, who was one of Alexander The Great's contemporaries and companions on his conquest of the "oikoumene" or the known world. The book combines the life of the historical and a fictional Thais.

It follows such actual events as the burning of Persepolis by Thais and her becoming Ptolemy's Egyptian queen, but also speculates on a love affair with Alexander and Thais's initiation in some of the obscure religions of the ancient world.In the novel, the very young (only 17yrs old) and already famous Athenian hetaera Thais, meets the exiled heir to the Macedonian throne and his childhood friends Hephaestion, Nearchus and Ptolemy.She then travels to Sparta and Crete with the Macedonians, visits Egypt and Mesopotamia, where she becomes an initiate in the temple of Ashtoreth (Astarte) and eventually follows Alexander to Persepolis, which she requests be set on fire. After Alexander's death, Thais marries Ptolemy and becomes the queen of Memphis.

Her travels are an interesting and entertaing look into the lives and customs of people in Hellenistic times, as well as an excellent source of basic information on the geography and history of the age and Alexander The Great.

Thais Athenian immortalized in art on the Russian Paintings gallery: []

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